
Work Observation Placement Agreement

Work Observation Placement Agreement

Work observation is a great opportunity for a participant to learn about the trade, gain new skills and to see whether the trade is a career for which they intend to pursue. It is important the work observation period is done with good intentions, the participant is treated well, with respect and in safe working conditions.


The participant must not be replacing paid workers duties and doing productive work.


The main benefit of this agreement should be to the person doing the placement and the participant must be receiving a meaningful learning experience.


If either party has a grievance during the placement, they are to contact the TAPS Field Officer immediately and the placement will cease.


1. Participants involved in Work Observation are not paid nor can they receive any material or any other reward during their placement.


2. Work Observation participants are not covered for Workers Compensation as they are not classified as employees under the Return to Work Act, 2014 (“Employee” means a person who is employed under a contract of service, or who works under a contract of service.)


3. Insurance coverage for the participant in the advent of injury whilst involved in a Work Observation placement is covered by TAPS’s Public Liability insurance.



1. All costs associated with travel are to be covered by the participant.


2. The participant shall use all safety protective equipment that is provided to them and obey reasonable instructions in relation to Work Health and Safety.


3. The participant shall report to the TAPS WHS Team (0450291702; 0404733100), all incident / injuries they experience.


4. The participant shall not either directly or indirectly make a record of, divulge or communicate to any person any information concerning the Host Employer’s affairs or transactions acquired by him/her during, or in the course of his/her placement.

This restriction will continue to apply after the conclusion of the placement for a period of three months but shall cease to apply to information which may, other than in breach of this clause, come into the public domain.

Any documents, notes, memorandums, recorded messages, photographs, digital or computer images or film relating to the affairs of any person or of the Host Employer made by the participant during the continuance of this agreement shall be and remain the property of the Host Employer.


The Host Employer agrees to:


1. Complete a safety induction prior to the Participant commencing any work.


2. Supervise the Participant in line with the ratios under the Training & Skills Development Act. For the purposes of this placement, this means supervising the Participant directly at all times.


3. Act in accordance with workplace obligations as covered by the Training & Skills Development Act 2008; Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA); Equal Opportunity and Anti-discrimination Acts; and Privacy legislation.


4. Supply TAPS with a current public liability insurance policy for not less than $10 million and has advised it’s insurer of this placement.


5. Co-operate in TAPS conducting a Pre-qualification WHS audit as part of the process of hosting the Participant and to implement risk control measures as identified from the audit.

I understand and agree to the conditions and obligations outlined above:

Note : a copy of this completed form will be emailed to this address.